Local Business directory
A wide range of products and services are provided in Goomalling by these businesses, listed in alphabetical order by name. Contact details for health, education and training and community groups are listed separately in those sections of this website.
If you live in Goomalling and/or regularly advertise in our Endeavour newspaper, you can list your product, service or business here for free.
All Strong Garage Doors
Allstrong Outdoor Garage Doors are a local Avon Valley business. There is no longer a need to deal with Perth businesses and contractors. Allstrong Outdoor Garage Doors are locals servicing LOCALS.
Family owned and operated. Call Shane anytime to discuss your garage door requirements on 0409 089 994, E: allstrong.outdoors@bigpond.com
All GO Contracting WA
Earthmoving equipment rental, dry and wet hire: Excavators, loaders, graders, rollers, tippers, Water truck, low loaders (50 tonne) spread, floats, drop deck trailers, semi flat top trailers and tilt tray hire
Mechanical workshop and fabrication work
Aaron Evans, Mob: 0428 484 845 E: aaron@ronlieeh.com.au FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082721240357
Anna Dolittle Animal Care & Dog Walking Services

Dog Walking and Exercise, House Drop-Ins (all animal types), Doggie Daycare
For all creatures great and small. Experienced and loving care for when you’re not there. Contact Anna now for your FREE meet and greet or to book your fur baby's complimentary trial walk.
Available all through the holidays including Christmas and New Year.
Anna Hume M: 0475 205 711, Website: www.annadolittle.com, E: annadolittleanimalcare@gmail.com
Annemaree Jensen Marketing

Copywriting and marketing for down to earth business owners in all industries, including agriculture and manufacturing.
Mob: 0439 923 976 FB: @ ajensenmarketing Web: https://jensenam.com/
PO Box 242 Goomalling WA 6460
Bella Corella
Open: Friday & Saturday 10am-3pm and Sunday 10am-2pm
A rustic shop selling a range of wares from a bygone era. There is something for everyone! Vintage, retro, home and kitchen ware, toys and bric-a-brac
9 Forrest Street, Goomalling
Bendigo Bank
Goomalling & Districts Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank
Open Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am - 4pm.
35 Railway Terrace (PO Box 60) Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: 08 9629 1999, Fax: 08 9629 1988, Mob: 0429 201 999
Better Health Massage
Hot stones, deep tissue, remedial, lomi lomi, reiki, acupressure and reflexology
Kym Byatt - 0405 107 165
Kym brings over forty years of professional training and experience. You can expect the highest professional standards and ethical practices.
Steiner Academy London/Elemis/Bulgari Milan/Brandon Reiner Academy INTA
Body Shop
Elaine O'Hehir - Independent Consultant
Mob: 0428 027 619, FB: @thebodyshopathomewithelaine, Web: www.thebodyshopathome.com.au
BP Roadhouse Goomalling
Takeaway or dine in at BYO restaurant. Fish & chips, Rosie's Chicken, burgers, etc.
Main St, Goomalling WA 6460, Ph: (08) 9629 1245
Open 7 days, Monday to Friday 6.00am - 8.30pm, Saturday and Sunday 6.30am - 8.30pm
Brendon Wilkes - Electrical Contractor EC8211
All commercial and domestic electrical installations and repairs. Repair of evaporative air conditioners. Fully install reverse cycle split-system air conditioners. Design and install Grid Connect solar systems.
PO Box 284, Goomalling WA 6460
Mob: 0427 044 818, F: (08) 9629 1715, Email: bwec@bigpond.com
Bruce Cleasby
Transport and water carting services.
27 Duke St, Toodyay. Ph: 9574 2272
Bywaters Fertiliser Service
Spreading of lime, gypsum, fertiliser and grain.
Kim Bywaters, Main Street, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1500, Fax: (08) 9629 1511, Mob: 0428 291 274
TW Bywaters
Transport and carting services.
Shane Bywaters, Ph: 9629 1274, Mob: 0428 949 845
Carr's Mechanical Repairs
Qualified mechanic for all of your light or heavy machinery needs. AIS station for inspection of light vehicles.
Joel Carr, Main St, Goomalling
Mob: 0427 291 519, Ph/Fax: 9629 1083
G & S Carr Cropspraying
Crop spraying and weed control.
Graeme & Sue Carr, PO Box 160, Goomalling WA 6460
Mob: Kristian 0429 689 359 or Graeme 0427 291 217, Email: gandscarr@bigpond.com
CBC Country Kerbing
For all your quality kerbing and garden edging needs call Clayton on 0423 8291 050 for a free quote or email ruthandclayton@yahoo.com.au
Central Ag
Chemicals, hardware and agricultural requirements.
43-44 Main St, PO Box 387, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1244, Fax: (08) 9629 1255, Email: sales@centralag.net.au, accounts@centralag.net.au, scott@centralag.net.au
Chiropractor Dr Deanna Hansen
On Thursdays in the Goomalling Community Centre.
By appointment only. Ph; 0429 900 211. Email: deannahansenchiropractic@gmail.com
Community Resource Centre
Public library, Centrelink Access Point, photo printing, computer and internet access, tertiary exam supervision service, prepaid mobile phones and Telstra recharge vouchers for sale, printing, copying and much more including production of the local Endeavour Newspaper.
51-53 Railway Tce (in the Community Centre), PO Box 167, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1570, Fax: (08) 9629 1571, Email: goomallingcrc@gmail.com
Crossroads Cafe
Annette Trahair
Ph: 0429 721 523
CSBP Depot
For bulk orders of urea, super etc contact Kim Bywaters.
Kim Bywaters, PO Box 129, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1277, Fax: (08) 9629 1331
Dingo hire with a driver for clean ups, post holes and trenching. Also fencing and building maintenance services with free travel in the Shire of Goomalling.
Scott Way, Ph: 9629 1801, Mob: 0437 410 710, Email: scott@dialadingo.net.au
Dunning's Shell Roadhouse
Pizzas, fish and chips, salads, sandwiches, rolls, wraps and fast food. Cooked chickens by order. Real hamburgers made on the premises. Coffee, slushies and sweet treats. Also newspapers, bread, milk and grocery lines.
Open 6:30am - 8:30pm seven days. 24 hour card fuel service.
Throssell St, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1550
Essenjay Cleaning Service
Julie & Steven Chester, M: 0427 291 223, E: mungilan@activ8.net.au
Goomalling Farm Shed
Hardware, farm supplies, key cutting, plants and seedlings.
Jenni and Bev Ward, 17 Railway Tce, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1220, Fax: (08) 9629 1013
Goomalling Farmers Club
Goomalling Farmers Club was built in 1912. This beautiful building was constructed of brick and each room was fashionably and elaborately decorated.
Goomalling Farmers Club, PO Box 24, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1010
Fur Baby Day Care and Dog Walking
Are you going to be away all day, out shopping or sightseeing? No need to worry. Leave your precious pup with me. (Dictionary - Fur Baby, noun - 'A furry pet considered to be a child by a human')
Anna Hume, 0475 205 711, 21 High St Goomalling.
Goldcares Sprayer Centre - Goomalling
Goldacres sprayers, parts and services.
43-44 Main St, PO Box 147, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1277, Web: www.sprayercentre.com.au
Goomalling Caravan Park and Motel Units
Nestled amongst the trees within easy walking distance to the towns amenities is the Caravan Park. The friendly caretakers will make sure your stay is enjoyable. Accommodation options include motel units, powered and unpowered camping sites. Other facilities include campers kitchen, private bathrooms on request, BBQ and WiFi.
Throssell St (Northam-Pithara Rd), Goomalling. To book in, please call (08) 9629 1183.
The Goomalling Grocer

Fresh fruit and vegetables, bread, deli items, fresh and frozen meat, groceries, lotto, newsagent and stationery.
Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, Saturday-Sunday 8am-12pm.
5 Railway Tce, Goomalling WA 6460
Email: villagegrocergoomalling@gmail.com
Goomalling Gumnuts Childcare Centre
Gumnuts is open Monday - Thursday from 8.00am-5:30pm. Bookings and enrolments are essential.
Childcare Subsidies available. Rated "Exceeding National Standards" by ACECQA.
Located in the Lesser Hall on the corner of Quinlan and Hoddy St, Goomalling
PO Box 189, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1188,
Email: gumnutsinc@bigpond.com
Website: www.goomallinggumnuts.com.au
Goomalling Gymnasium
The fully equipped 24 hour access Goomalling Gym is located in the Old Sports Pavilion at the Goomalling Recreation Grounds.
Goomalling Sport & Community Centre
The Goomalling Sport & Community Centre is fully licensed and is open to members and guests Wednesday-Sunday from 4pm. A la carte meals are available on Friday and Saturday nights.
Ph: (08) 9629 1889, E: goomallingscc.secretary@gmail.com
For dinner bookings please email goomallingscc.bookings@gmail.com call Julie on 0427 291 223
Goomalling Tavern
As well as the friendly pub, the Goomalling Tavern offers accommodation, meals and a bottleshop.
61 Railway Tce, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: 0402 255 167, E: thegoomallingtavern@gmail.com, FB: @goomallingtavern W: www.goomallingtav.com.au
Great Eastern Freightlines
In July 2023, Great Eastern Freightlines took over the general freight service from D & D Transport. GEF service Goomalling and surrounding areas twice weekly and specialise in general freight, wool, machinery and bulk transport.
Our family run business has been running for over 15 years, with our head office located in Merredin, WA.
We also have a freight receivals depot in Forrestfield, WA.
For any enquiries or quotes, please do not hesitate to contact our office on 08 9041 5922.
Perth Depot - 18 Harrison Road, Forrestfield WA 6058
Ph: 08 9041 5922, M: 0488 058 288 E: office@greateasternfreightlines.com.au
G & M Harris Electrical Contractors (EC 1069)
Also trencher and bobcat hire.
Graeme & Maxine Harris, PO Box 202, Goomalling WA 6460
Mob: 0429 906 518
Harris Electrical Servicing (EC 1069, EW 172605)
Troy Harris. M: 0477 556 764, E: harriselectricalservicing@gmail.com
Janae Kodel Hair Design
Call Delina Haywood for all your hairdressing needs. Open Thursday and Friday: 9am-12noon and 1pm-5pm.
39A Railway Tce, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1222
Jennacubbine Tavern and Units
This "end of the road" steakhouse serves up a juicy grill, cooked right in front of you. Jenna Tavern as affectionately known by locals, is reputed for is high quality steakhouse and salad bar. A family friendly tavern complete with an outdoor Bali bar, playground for kids, pool room and accommodation.
Brett Trew & Michelle Patton, 22 Collins Street, Jennacubbine, E: jennapub@classicit.net W: www.jennatavern.com.au
Ph: (08) 9623 2273
Lot 39 [store + café]
Lot 39 is a fusion of city café culture and country hospitality. Artisanal cakes, desserts, barista coffee, light lunches and cold pressed juices will satisfy your cravings. The store has in vogue homewares, clothing, footwear and accessories, gourmet food and gifts. Open Tue-Fri 7.30am - 3.30pm, Sat 8.30-1pm.
39B Railway Tce, Goomalling. Ph: 0480 182 122, @lot39_storecafe, W: www.lot39.com.au
Mortlock Haulage
Ph: (08) 9629 1241, Fax: (08) 9629 1621; Mob: BJ 0429 080 189, Tarryn 0427 291 224, Brady 0427 291 229
Natasha Jade FIT
Personal trainer.
Natasha Read, 0421 655 283, E: natasha.read@outlook.com
Niloc Tree Services
General tree trimming and power line clearance. Fully insured. Also available: brick trolley, plate compactor and electric brick saw.
Colin, Mob: 0428 311 369, Ph: (08) 9631 1369 (a/h)
Community Op-Shop
Men's, women's and kids' clothes, books, toys and homeware.
Unwanted items can be dropped off only during opening hours and have to be in good and clean condition (no electrical items unless new and in original box)
Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9am-2:30pm, Saturday 9am-12pm (opening days and times may vary depending on available volunteers)
29 Railway Tce, Goomalling WA 6460. FB: @goomalling.op.shop
Goomalling Pharmacy
Open 6 days a week, Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm and Sat from 9am to 1pm. See www.gopharmacywa.com.au for specials, new products, giftware collection and information about our services.
37 Railway Terrace, Goomalling 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1542, Fax: (08) 96296 1750, Email: info@gopharmacywa.com.au
Goomalling Post Office
As well as providing Australia Post products and services, they also stock office goods and giftware.
Open Mon-Fir 9am-4.30pm
47 Railway Tce, Goomalling WA 6460, Ph: (08) 9629 1030
RB Motors Pty Ltd
RB Motors has been your local family owned Ford Dealer since 1956. New and used vehicles, repairs and servicing.
Matt Butt, 35 Railway Tce, PO Box 74, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1009. E: rbmotors@wn.com.au, FB: facebook/RB-Motors-548448555536547
RC Trimmers
All vehicles and household upholstery, canopies and roll tarps. Sound proofing. Caravans, campers and annexes. Pick up and deliver. Free quotes.
Rod, Ph/Fax: (08) 9629 1380
PO Box 232, Goomalling WA 6460
Rick's Mechanical and Sandblasting
Service and repairs: Petrol & Diesel, Motorcycles & Quads, Trucks & Trailers, Electrical Repairs
Sandblasting: Car & Bike Parts, Rims & Bull Bars, Trailers & chassis, Farm Machinery, Caravan & Horse Floats
Contact Rick: 0447 7808 46
The Rural Movement
Personal Trainer - Josie Thomson
The Silver Possum
Boutique bed and breakfast The Silver Possum is centrally located just off the main street and caters for group bookings as well as individual travellers. Continental and hot buffet breakfasts available. The Silver Possum also provides lunches and dinner, dine-in or take-away.
10 Forrest St, Goomalling WA 6460
Ph: (08) 9629 1673, M: 0429 291 660, E: robynwestphal@outlook.com
Slater Homestead
The historic Slater Homestead was built in 1856 and heritage listed in 2004. This venue is temporarily closed.
62 Goomalling-Wyalkatchem Road, Goomalling. W: www.slaterhomestead.com.au
Specialised Tree Services
Cherry picker hire, wood chipping, stump grinding. Fully insured.
Phone Randle on 9622 9601 or 0428 950 813
PO Box 70, Grass Valley WA 6403
Telly's Auto Electrical & Air-Conditioning
Qualified auto electrical & air-conditioning specialist. Fully equipped mobile field service unit.
Shayne Lantzke, mob: 0467 777 727, PO Box 372, Goomalling WA 6460, email: tellysae@bigpond.com
Brett Trew Bobcat & Trenching
M: 0400 932 273, Ph: 08 9623 2273, E: jennapub@harboursat.com.au
Universal Trailers & Feeders
Custom built trailers and stock feeders
Bruce & Ben Clarke, Beecroft Rd Goomalling, Ph: 05499 555 355, E: admin@utfa.com.au, W: www.universaltrailers.com.au
Wheatbelt Mini Earthworks
Retaining walls and block laying, paving, artificial lawn, narrow access earthworks.
Damien Falconbridge, M: 0407 758 882, Email: damien@wmearthworks.com, FB: @wheatbeltminiearthworks
Whispers on the Terrace
Gifts, floral arrangements, homeware, kitchenware, dinnerware, mirrors, leadlight lamps, jewellery, handbags, gift vouchers and linen.
Terri Chattaway, 55 Railway Tce, Goomalling
Ph: 9629 1918, M: 0428 291 218
Wulff Plumbing
For all your residential and commercial plumbing needs
Guy Wulff
M: 0498 130 708
Email: admin@wulffplumbing.com
Your Counselling Therapist
Yvonne C Town provides individual therapy (children >6yrs, adolescents & adults), couples therapy or group therapy.
Goomalling Community Centre, 51-53 Railway Terrace, Goomalling.
Appointments can be made on 9295 0948.