Plans within the Integrated Planning Framework
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Strategic Community Plan 2019-2029 |
The Strategic Community Plan was developed in 2013 in partnership with the Goomalling community through a series of surveys, focus groups and public forums. The aim of this long-term plan is to be a guide for Council's business planning and service delivery to reflect the aspirations and values of our community. Council undertook a major review in 2018, with Councillors, staff and the community having their chance to provide their comments. The current version of the plan was adopted by Council in June 2019 with view to review again after the 2019 LG elections. |
2019-2029 |
Corporate Business Plan |
Building on the objectives laid out in our Strategic Plan, this plan provides the internal business planning tool that translates Council priorities into operations within the resources available. It details the services, operations, projects, and the associated cost, the Shire intends to deliver over the next four years. |
2013 |
Asset Management Plan |
The Shire’s assets deliver important community services. Their effective management is crucial to the sustainable delivery of those services to meet community needs and aspirations now and in the future. The aim of this plan is to enhance the sustainable management of the Shire’s assets by applying ‘whole of life’ and ‘whole of organisation’ approaches and the effective identification and management of risks associated with the use of assets. |
2012 |
Workforce Plan |
The Shire of Goomalling is committed to workforce planning to provide quality services to the community and to attract, recruit, retain, manage and develop our staff. |
2015 |
Long Term Financial Plan |
This Plan indicates the Shire’s long term financial sustainability, allows early identification of financial issues and their longer term impacts, shows the linkages between specific plans and strategies, and enhances the transparency and accountability of the Council to the community. |
2013 |
More specific plans
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Bike Plan 2020-2030 |
The Bike Plan highlights gaps in our current provision of shared path network compared to contemporary standards as well as other opportunities to enhance user experience. The outcomes within the plan are aligned with our Recreational Master Plan and are achievable with support from Department of Transport.
The development of the plan was funded by the Department of Transport and aligns with DoT’s Western Australian Bicycle Network (WABN) Plan 2017.
April 2020-2030 |
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029 |
Council continues to make progress on the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) which was adopted by Council in 2018. A series of outcomes were included in the DAIP for the delivery and monitoring of initiatives and strategies included in the plan.
A full review of Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan was undertaken with community consultation in 2024. The revised Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2019 approved by Council at Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 November 2024.
The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029 has been lodged with Department of Communities - Office of Disability.
2024-2029 |
Age Friendly Community Plan |
We recognise the vital role our older residents play in our community – through volunteering, paid work, support and community leadership. This plan has been developed to display the Shire’s goals and intentions for providing future improvements in the lives of our ageing residents and the rest of the community. The AFCP was funded by Department of Local Government and Communities' Age Friendly Communities Grant Program. |
June 2016 |
Youth Friendly Community Plan
Shire of Goomalling wants to create resilient and empowered young people who are valued members of the community, by providing high quality services that support, educate and equip them for life’s adversities and adventures.
Shire of Goomalling partnered with @gooma_squad to develop strategies set out in this plan and will remain integral partners to address youth issues. The development of the YFCP "Our Youth, Our Future" was funded through the Youth Friendly Communities funding by the Department of Local Government and Communities.
February 2017
Recreation Hub Master Plan
This master plan provides the vision for the recreation site site and the associated facilities and services, identifying what it should look like and how it should function into the future. It establishes a strong and consistent direction, providing a framework for ongoing improvement.
The plan is a living document that sets the foundation for further planning and will evolve with the changing needs of the community. The plan will drive project development for each component including further consultation and detailed planning prior to implementation.
August 2018
Local Emergency Management Arrangement (LEMA).pdf
The purpose of this plan is to ensure that appropriate strategies are in place to minimise the adverse effects on the community and ensure the best possible outcomes are delivered in the long term. It identifies possible natural and technological hazards, and documents the roles and responsibilities of authorities and stakeholders involved in emergency management.
The Shire of Goomalling Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) consists of key members of the community who are actively engaged in volunteering across a number of disciplines or are representatives of stakeholder organisations or groups. The majority of these members are residents of the Shire of Goomalling and have taken an active role in the preparation of this document.
Shire of Goomalling's Strategic Community Plan
At the Shire of Goomalling, we believe a community’s future comprises the social, cultural, environmental and economic values its citizens embrace.
This plan identifies our community’s aspirations and describes how the Shire and others can work towards achieving these.
General Objectives and Strategies
We will continue to advocate on behalf of our community to position our Shire with key stakeholders that will support our success and growth.
Accountable and Sustainable
We will continue to be transparent, display good governance and manage our customer service commitments within our resources.
Advocating Improvement and Reform
We are determined to be solution focused, proactively seeking innovative partnerships, working collaboratively with stakeholders and industry to enable growth and ensure that our Shire is sustainable.
Strategic Plan in a nutshell
Objectives and strategies have been presented in four main categories: social, economic, environmental and civic leadership.
1.1 Create an environment that strengthens “a sense of Community”
1.2 Create an environment that provides for a caring and healthy community
1.3 Provide active and passive recreation facilities and services
1.4 Provide services and processes to enhance public safety (police, bushfire, emergency services)
2.1 Provide an effective and efficient transportation network
2.2 Facilitate the development of local and regional tourism
2.3 Actively support and develop local and new businesses
3.1 Enhance the health and integrity of the natural environment (protect natural assets, sustainable use of land and resources, renewable energy, water recovery and recycling, revegetation)
3.2 Manage current and future assets and infrastructure in a sustainable manner
4.1 Provide accountable and transparent leadership
4.2 Maintain and strengthen the Shire’s capability and capacity
The full Strategic Community Plan provides a detailed breakdown of how we aim to achieve these objectives as well as more extended information of how this plan was developed through community consultations.
The Plan is continually evolving and will be evaluated regularly to assess our progress towards realising our vision. A review of the Plan will occur informally every two years and formally every four years.
Supporting documents
To assist in the implementation and activation of the Plan the Shire has prepared a number of supporting documents to consider its current and future resource capacity. The Corporate Business Plan will assist in the realisation of our community’s vision and aspirations. It details the actions, services, operations and projects the Shire will deliver within the next four years, the resources available and associated costs. Other critical informing strategies associated with this plan are the Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan and the Workforce Plan.