Every day in Goomalling people give their time and enthusiasm to work to help others.
As well as making a major social and economic contribution to Goomalling, these volunteers enjoy the many positive effects that volunteering can have including, social support, healthy aging, community bonds and self-enhancement.
There are many opportunities to volunteer in Goomalling, whether it be one hour a term at the Toy Library, writing an article for the local newspaper The Endeavour, a regular spot on the ambulance roster or increasing Goomalling's economic, social and environmental resilience. Our community groups always extend a warm welcome and helping hand to new volunteers. So, if you want to get involved:
- Find out what groups are in Goomalling. You can ask around or look through the list of groups under lifestyle and community - they range from sport and fitness groups to the arts, churches, pre-schoolers, seniors, and nature and the environment.
- Choose which appeals to you.
- Contact the group directly or contact the Shire's Community Development Officer Tahnee bird (on 9629 1101 or cdo@goomalling.wa.gov.au) for more information.
Also, for information about volunteering in general, see the Volunteering WA website, or to find out about becoming an emergency services volunteer, you can call DFES's volunteer recruitment line on 1800 628 141.
Happy volunteering!