St John Ambulance Sub Centre, Forrest St, Goomalling WA 6460. Run by local volunteers, the Goomalling St John Ambulance Service has two ambulances and is available 24 hours a day. |
POLICE - 000 000 is for urgent and emergency calls only, otherwise call
(08)9629 1200
Bernie Hush (OIC), Goomalling Police Station, 14 Quinlan St, Goomalling WA 6460, phone 08 9626 6100, fax 08 9629 1396, email
When Goomalling police are away from the station, not working or after hours your call will be diverted to the Wheatbelt Police Operations Centre and be answered immediately.
The Goomalling Police Station or the Shire office ((08)9629 1101) can be contacted for information about Goomalling Neighbourhood Watch and Rural Watch.
Wheatbelt Police Operations Centre (24 hrs) - Northam Police Complex, Gairdner St, Northam WA 6401, phone (08) 9622 4260, fax (08) 9622 3501
Police Operations Centre - phone 131 444
FIRE - 000
See the Shire of Goomalling Fire Information for details about:
- restricted burning periods (19 Sep - 31 Oct plus 15 Feb - 15 April) and permits
- prohibited burning period (1 Nov - 14 Feb)
- total fire bans
- harvest, vehicle and hot work bans
- burning road verges
- keeping your property safer
- property inspections
- fire break order for townsite land and rural residential and rural land
- fire break variations -- For alternative firebreaks, complete and send this letter to Council.
- penalties
- kilns and incinerators
- campfires and cooking fires
- burning garden refuse and
- Goomalling's fire control officers.
Permits will be issued only for stubble/grass for crop preparation purposes. Permits may be applied via the Shire administration office. Holders of permits must comply with all permit conditions which include (but not limited to) restrictions/requirements around burn notifications, minimum supervision & firefighting resourcing and time periods for lighting of chaff piles.
The Goomalling Bush Fire Brigade (PO Box 45, 12 Quinlan Street, Goomalling WA 6460) is run by local volunteers. New volunteers are welcome - contact Rob Koch (email or mobile 0458 042 104) for details.

Protect your loved ones and property. Read DEFS information on how to prepare for bushfires.
SMS Notifications |
The Shire of Goomalling operates an SMS Notification service for Harvest, Vehicle Movement and Hot Works Bans and local road closures due to weather events. To be added to this list please contact us.
Please note incident information and emergency warnings for hazards such as bushfires are communicated by DFES, ABC Local radio and where relevant, via SMS. The Shire’s notification system does not alert residents to a fire or associated warning.
HOSPITAL - 000 |
The Goomalling Hospital has a 24 hour accident and emergency service. PO Box 107, Forrest St, Goomalling WA 6460, phone: (08) 9629 0100. |
SES - 132 500 |
The State Emergency Service (SES) is a volunteer division of the Department for Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). SES volunteers play a vital role in responding to natural disasters and emergencies on behalf of the community. For details, see |
(08) 9629 1166
Goomalling Medical Surgery, 51 Railway Terrace (PO Box 94), Goomalling WA 6460, phone (08) 9629 1166.
DFES Guides |
- Burn Smart Guide for Landholder
- Guidelines for Operating Private Equipment at Fires
Department of Communities Information Sheets |
- Emergency Kit Information Sheet
- Key Document Information Sheet
- Pet Care Information
- Donation Information Sheet