Recreation Facilities

The Goomalling Recreation Centre is located on the corner of Quinlan & Hoddy Streets. It encompasses the Sport & Community Centre, Sports Pavilion, Sports Complex, oval, hockey field, 8 rink bowling green and tennis/netball courts. There is ample parking at each of the facilities, which are available for hire through the Shire's Administration Office.

Goomalling Sport & Community Centre

The Goomalling Sport & Community Centre (GSCC) opened in December 2015 thanks to funding by the Department of Sport & Recreation, LotteryWest, Royalties For Regions, Goomalling Community Bank and many years of fundraising by Mortlock Sports Council.

GSCC has a large open area that faces the oval and bowling green, plus a fully licensed bar, a professional kitchen, meeting room, mens, ladies and disabled toilets, and plenty of parking. The centre is available for hire. Please call or email the centre on 0427 291 399 or  

The Goomalling Sport & Community Centre is fully licensed and is open to members and guests Wed-Sun from 4pm. A la carte meals are available on Friday and Saturday nights.


Goomalling Community Gym

The old Sports Pavilion has undergone a transformation and is now the Goomalling Community Gym. This facility is available 20 hours a day and membership can be obtained via the Shire office. 

Gym gym gym

Goomalling Sports Complex

Sports Complex

The Goomalling Sports Complex is the club house for our tennis, netball and hockey teams and is also available for hire for social events and functions. Located between the hockey oval and tennis and multi-purpose courts, the Complex has a vinyl floored open area as well as a kitchen and bar facilities. It also contains showering facilities, mens and ladies toilets and lots of parking.

Goomalling Bowling Club

The Bowling green was relocated to the Goomalling Recreation Grounds in 2015 with a 8 rink synthetic bowling green built adjacent to the Goomalling Sport and Community Centre. The Club has 4 pennant teams (2 males & 2 female) and games are played Saturday afternoons from October - March and Tuesday mornings for women. 

bowls bowls

BMX Track

The BMX track pocket park is located at the back of the hockey oval at the recreation grounds. It has been designed as an unstructured recreation space for our young people to participate in “healthy” risks; the track is designed to suit people of all ages and abilities.

The initiative was supported by Melissa Price Federal MP for Durack and partly funded by the Australian Government under the Stronger Communities Programme.

 bmx track bmx

Goomalling Footballl Oval


The Goomalling Oval is generally open to the public, but can be booked for group activities. The toilets can be hired together with the oval if required.

Goomalling Tennis Courts

Tennis/Netball Courts

There are 6 tennis courts, of which 2 are also marked for netball. The courts are locked outside of club use; a key can be obtained from the Shire office if you wish to use the courts. A small fee applies for use of the lights at night.

Goomalling Golf Club

Golf Club

The Golf Clubhouse is located 2km out of town on Calingiri Road, has a kitchen and bar, and has a carpetted area that can sit up to 50 people.

To book the clubhouse please contact the Golf Club secretary directly on 9629 1034.


Go Kart Track

The Go Kart track is located on Pear Tree Drive; the property also houses the Goomalling Men's Shed.

The Goomalling Go Kart Club is active 10 months of the year and welcome new members as well as spectators. 

Booking conditions and hire charges are outlined in the Shire of Goomalling's Fees & Charges 2022/23.