World Suicide Prevention Day

Tuesday 10th September 2024

We all have a role to play in preventing suicide


Join us this September as we rally together for World Suicide Prevention Day on Tuesday 10 September 2024. This powerful day of global observance brings together over 60 countries, uniting us in our shared mission to promote stigma reduction, advocate for policy change, encourage help seeking, and honour the memories of those lost to suicide, those who have survived suicide attempts, and those who bear the weight of grief. 


This year, Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) are continuing their theme of “We all have a role to play”. This supports the International Association for Suicide Prevention’s (IASP) overarching theme from 2024 to 2026 as Changing the Narrative on Suicide. IASP is issuing a call to action “Start the Conversation”. In this spirit, SPA stand united in their commitment to reduce suicide, empowering individuals with the confidence to take action. 


In Australia alone, nearly 10 million people have been affected by suicide, which equates to almost half of our nation. Suicide Prevention Australia, firmly believe that every single person can play a role in preventing suicide, not only on World Suicide Prevention Day but every day of the year. 


Together, let’s embrace our collective responsibility, champion hope and take meaningful action to save lives.  


Take action

SPA are pleased to share some tips from their Lived Experience Panel member Lidia De Lembo for World Suicide Prevention Day. The video shares her personal journey, providing invaluable insights into the challenges faced by those bereaved by suicide, shedding light on the struggles associated with stigma and how to reach out for support. It offers hope, resilience, and practical advice on how to support your community.  


SPA extend their gratitude to their Lived Experience Panel members for their unwavering dedication, vulnerability, and willingness to share their experiences. Their contribution highlights the importance of recognising and honouring the lived experiences of individuals affected by suicide this World Suicide Prevention Day, and how these stories can inspire compassion, understanding, and ultimately, save lives.

Event Details

Time: All Day

Cost: Free

Category: General

Type: General

Audience: All Ages


Organisation: Suicide Prevention Australia


Event Date(s)

  • Tuesday 10th September 2024

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